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Hungary passes law barring LGBTQIA content for minors

In Hungary, legislation was passed to prohibit sharing with minors any content that portrays being gay or transgender. Earlier, the Fidesz party also successfully championed a law that makes it impossible for trans people to legally change the gender markers on their identity documents.

Photo by Dale Pike from

In Hungary, legislation was passed to prohibit sharing with minors any content that portrays being gay or transgender.

The legislation, presented by the ruling Fidesz party of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, was – on the surface – primarily aimed at fighting pedophilia. But then it has provisions that:

  • ban the representation of any sexual orientation besides heterosexual; and
  • ban gender change information in school sex education programs, or in films and advertisements aimed at anyone under 18.

Marking Hungary as a largely anti-LGBTQIA country, its National Assembly actually passed the bill on a 157-1 vote, with opposition parties boycotting the voting session in protest.

Earlier, the Fidesz party also successfully championed a law that makes it impossible for trans people to legally change the gender markers on their identity documents.


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