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Love Affairs

Rajah and Allen: Finding each other as part of God’s plan

When Rajah met Allen in May 2013, at a feeding outreach program for less fortunate children in Guadalupe, Makati City, he believes it was providential. “Before we knew each other, ‘forever’ was something we only heard about but couldn’t fathom. Now, because of the two of us in our world, we have everything, and we can’t imagine what we’d do without each other,” Rajah says.

Rajah and Allen

“I still remember the first day when I met Allen, May 25, 2013. We met in a feeding outreach program (for) less fortunate children in Guadalupe, Makati City,” Rajah recalled.

At that gathering, a novena was prayed, and “actually, I was late,” Allen said. But “I noticed him sitting while praying. Honestly, I was immediately physically attracted to him, especially his (aquiline) nose.”

After the novena, Allen went to Rajah to ask for his name. “I was single and ready to mingle,” he smiled. “I requested for his mobile number and we became friends, as well as textmates.”

“I am very thankful to the Lord (for conveying to me to be) in the said outreach. Otherwise, I would have lost the opportunity to meet Allen,” Rajah said.

For Allen, “I can say that it was love at first sight.”

That feeling intensified, so that “when he introduced me to his family and friends, I promise to myself that he is the one that I will love forever,” Allen said.

Rajah knew he was in love with Allen “when I got to know him well,” he said, citing Allen’s “honest and candid nature, and his great attitude… his world is full of rainbows and sunbursts. He has such an appreciation for little things that most people wouldn’t even notice. He is so smart; the world is an infinite puzzle that he delights in trying to solve. I’ve never met anyone with whom I could talk to so easily about anything and everything. I trust him with things I’ve never shared with another soul, and I know that he keeps them close to his heart. Before I met him, I couldn’t imagine anymore settling down and living my life with a special someone because of what happened in my past. After months with hi, I came to realize that our Lord God allowed what had happened in my past just to mold me for His greater plans with Allen.”

Initially, according to Rajah, a challenge they had to face was “to introduce our relationship to both our families and have their blessings for us to stay in one roof,” he said. This was because – Rajah said – they wanted for the people important to both of them to respect what they have, and to give their blessings. Allen, nonetheless, said that “our families are accepting.”

“The Lord God is really working at the center if He knows that you’re sincere and have a pure heart,” Rajah said.

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For Rajah, even if he and Allen have different churches, “we still managed what we have, attending the Sunday worship service in our own different churches,” he said. At times, though, “we agree to praise together in one church.”

They also “pray and read the Holy Bible together every night. Now, we can say that we are indeed allied.”

“I can say that he is the best person I’ve ever had. He taught me how to become matured and helped me to decide on my own,” Allen said.

Rajah and Allen have a “baby” – a Shih Tzu named Genesis, who Rajah said made their relationship “more meaningful because we treat him as our own biological baby and we are his parents who have moral responsibilities to make.”

While the two have plans of taking trips outside the country, a much bigger plan is to have a Holy Union.

“Before we knew each other, ‘forever’ was something we only heard about but couldn’t fathom. Now, because of the two of us in our world, we have everything, and we can’t imagine what we’d do without each other,” Rajah said. “As we promised to each other, we will do our very best to spend the rest of our lives devoted to making each other happy.”

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"If someone asked you about me, about what I do for a living, it's to 'weave words'," says Kiki Tan, who has been a writer "for as long as I care to remember." With this, this one writes about... anything and everything.


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