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Research does not support the adage ‘Boys will be boys’

As a rule, there were no prototypically boyish boys or girlish girls. For instance, boys who were very boyish in terms of personality were not more likely to be very boyish also in terms of their values, school grades, educational track or cognitive profile.

Photo by Laurie-Anne Robert from

Girls and boys who were girlish and boyish with regard to a specific domain, such as grades, were not – on average – more so in terms of another domain, such as personality.

This is according to a study – ”Is There a g-factor of Genderdness? Using a Continuous Measure of Genderdness to Assess Sex Differences in Personality, Values, Cognitive Ability, School Grades, and Educational Track” by Ville Ilmarinen, Mari-Pauliina Vainikainen and Jan-Erik Lönnqvist) – that appeared in the European Journal of Personality.

In particular, the study investigated gender differences in terms of personality, values, school grades, cognitive ability and educational track among over 4,000 Finnish adolescents completing their basic education. To determine the girlishness and boyishness of different domains, the gender diagnosticity approach was utilized.

The researchers found that “as a rule, there were no prototypically boyish boys or girlish girls. For instance, boys who were very boyish in terms of personality were not more likely to be very boyish also in terms of their values, school grades, educational track or cognitive profile,” said Postdoctoral Researcher Ville Ilmarinen from the Swedish School of Social Science, University of Helsinki.

“At the level of the individual, some boys will be very boyish in more ways than one, but there are no general population-level trends that would give credence to the ‘boys will be boys’ phrase. Boys can be very boyish in certain areas, such as their grades, but not at all in other areas, such as personality, values or cognitive performance. In addition, there are plenty of boys whose grades are not particularly boyish.”

The biggest gender difference was observed in school-leaving grades. Based on the grades, it was possible to predict the gender of individuals with an accuracy of 77.5%. Merely guessing would only give a probability of 50%.

In other areas, the predictive power was 60% to 70%. The descending order of accuracy was: personality, values, optional subjects, cognitive ability and applications for secondary education.

“We also found that boys had more variation in how boyish or girlish their values, cognitive ability and grades were. This means that two randomly selected boys would be more different in terms of how boyish they were in these areas, with two randomly selected girls being more similar in the extent to which they were girlish,” Ilmarinen says.

The findings show that the areas or domains that one is investigating matter when making inferences about femininity and masculinity, since these are largely unique to individual domains.

“At the same time, it was clarifying to see that the biggest gender differences are in grade profiles, not in personality or cognitive ability.”

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Based on the results, the average girl and the average boy take rather different paths in comprehensive school, at least on the basis of their grades. However, there were also boyish girls and girlish boys in this domain, as in all other domains.


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