Bahaghari slammed the SMNI segment aired last October 24, which involved show anchors Jeffrey Celiz and Lorraine Badoy red-tagging Irish Inoceto, the chairperson of...
The new version provides for inclusion of sex characteristics as a protected category, and redefines “people with diverse SOGIESC” to be inclusive of identities...
DICT Assistant Secretary Maria Teresa Camba said that discriminatory acts could also be present on online platforms since technology changes together with the means...
Manila Metropolitan Trial Court Branch 26 Presiding Judge Jorge Emmanuel Lorredo was found liable for his "bias and partiality" after telling litigants that homosexuality...
The city of Malolos has joined the growing number of local government units (LGUs) in the Philippines with an anti-discrimination ordinance that makes it...
The city of Pasig has joined the growing number of local government units (LGUs) to pass an anti-discrimination ordinance (ADO) that protects the human...
LGBTQ-supportive school policies and practices are significantly associated with improved psychosocial health outcomes among both LGB and heterosexual students.
In his earlier post, Rep. Lito Atienza stressed his opposition of marriage equality, claiming only males and females should marry; and they should do...
Bataan has joined the still few local government units (LGUs) in the Philippines that now has an anti-discrimination ordinance (ADO) that prohibits the discrimination...