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Things to do near Heathrow airport

With Heathrow airport having connecting flights for nearly everywhere around the world, there is high chance, to visit it soon or later. Why waste your time indoors, when you can take advantage of some leisure time, and get a London taste?

One can perceive the majestic atmosphere that overflows the capital of Britain, at the exact moment he lands at Heathrow airport. City of infinite energy and tales consists a cultural and historical mosaic that promises to enchant any visitor through its diversity. A vital and vibrant city that invites its visitors to explore it, discovering timeless landmarks and traditions and countless hidden treasures.

Even though London has many different sides that unfold different aspects of it, making it necessary to spent 5-7 days in order to say there’s nothing left out of the primary attractions, that shouldn’t prevent you for making a shorter visit, if circumstances allow so.

With Heathrow airport having connecting flights for nearly everywhere around the world, there is high chance, to visit it soon or later. Why waste your time indoors, when you can take advantage of some leisure time, and get a London taste?

Adjust your visiting list to your layover time, including both sites in the heart of London and its suburbs. Avoid using the public transportation, spending unnecessary time whereas it’s not the cheapest one, and ensure your flexibility choosing your vehicle through the Heathrow airport car hire from Enjoy Travel.

1. Hampton & Kempton Waterworks Railway (4 miles)

A heritage railway from the early 20’s, that was used for transporting coal to the Hampton & Kempton Waterworks railway, the main water supplier for the city of London. Nowadays, visitors during the weekends have chance to ride on a vintage steam locomotive for a 2-mile distance.

You can also get to know the history of London’s waterworks, through the interactive exhibits, hosted at the homonym museum.

2. Windsor Castle (9 miles)

Located in the English county of Berkshire is one of the oldest occupied castles in the world, established in the 11th century, thus has been the residence for decades of monarchs all over the years, while the queen used to spend a lot of her weekends there as well.

Despite a visitor can observe and admire several attractions and details, the most 4 important highlights are:

  • the State Apartments: their decoration deprives from the Royal Collection, as appropriate for such a big castle room, that hosts state occasions.
  • Queen Mary’s Dolls’ House: characterized for its intricate details and working features.
  • Changing the Guard: a spectacular ceremony not to be missed, taking place in the castle’s Quadrangle.

3. Visit a traditional Pub

Beers from craft breweries and ciders as well as good food, can be found at several traditional pubs with low ceilings and panelled walls, at near-by picturesque villages as Denham or the Royal Standard of England.

4. Science Museum is located in South Kensington (13.8 miles)

An ideal destination combining education and entertainment, for both children and adults, at one of the world’s most major science museums.

Celebrating almost 2 centuries of operation, one can meet a wide range of objects related to the history of science, technology, medicine, and engineering and wander about its large library of scientific and technical materials.

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Your "not that regular" all-around gal, writing about anything, thus everything. "There's always more to discover... thus write about," she says in between - GASP! - puffs. And so that's what she does, exactly. Write, of course; not (just) puff.


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