Whether a woman is still in school, part of the work force or is a devoted homemaker, she is not immune to fatigue or sometimes a general feeling of being unwell. Chances are, she might not have enough iron to be as healthy, dynamic and fully functional as she can be.
UST OB-GYN department chairman Dr. Corazon Zaida N. Gamilla, says that as a woman ages, she also faces greater demands. “In order to cope, she needs to pay attention to her health. When signs of fatigue, paleness, as well as lack of focus and energy start to show, it could be telling symptoms of iron deficiency. Iron-rich food such as red meat, egg yolks, legumes, and green leafy vegetables should be made a regular part of one’s diet. But more than that, an iron supplement is also necessary to maintain good health,” she implores.
Iron is a vital mineral. As part of all cells such as the protein hemoglobin, it carries oxygen from the lungs throughout the body. Iron is also a major component of many enzymes, which help the body digest food and aid in several important bodily functions. When the body lacks enough iron, functioning of several organs will be affected.
Iron deficiency is a condition that women don’t have the luxury to ignore. If one suffers from it, she tends to experience fatigue, which can greatly impair her ability to do physical work. If she’s pregnant, she has the increased risk for small or preterm babies. She will lack focus and concentration. She will look noticeably pale.
The woman of today truly has no reason to neglect her own well-being. Fortunately for her, she has several options up her sleeve. One of the most potent reliefs for iron deficiency is Sangobion.
Sangobion helps restore the iron reserves in the body. Unlike Ferrous Sulfate, it is more easily absorbed by the body and has a less metallic aftertaste. Sangobion also contains Sorbitol, a known anti-constipating agent since ordinary Ferrous Sulfate can contribute to constipation.
What’s more, Sangobion contains vitamins and minerals including Vitamin C, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, Copper Sulfate and Manganese Sulfate. It also comes in a convenient chocolate-scented capsule.
For more information on Sangobion, visit www.sangobion.com.ph.