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Relaxing weekend activities to try

If you want to shake off some stress, here are some safe and relaxing weekend activities you should try.

Staying at home for an extended period can cause many individuals to start feeling cabin fever or quarantine fatigue. Days can become so dull that many people crave to engage in different activities to serve as an outlet for their frustrations.

If you want to shake off some stress, here are some safe and relaxing weekend activities you should try.

Go Camping

Nowadays, it is no longer advisable to spend your day at the beach, as it can get too crowded for social distancing to be possible. For camping, campgrounds have more control over how many campers they can allow to pitch tents and park RVs. If this is your first time going camping, it would be best to do some research on how to survive a weekend in the great outdoors. Sites like have several tips that you can use to prepare for your upcoming trip. 

Drive Around

If your area does not have restrictions on local travel, you can choose to drive around your town to appreciate your neighborhood a bit more. It can be an excellent way to get to know your locality, including areas you haven’t visited yet. Before you know it, you’ll discover sites that would soon become your favorite spot when everything goes back to normal. You can also choose to head out to the countryside

Take a Hike

Aside from camping, another activity that you can do during the weekend would be hiking. Choose a time when there aren’t too many people exploring the area. This way, you can enjoy the view without having to worry about being too close to others. Surrounding yourself with nature can also help boost the immune system, helping you fight off infections better. 

Pick Up a New Hobby

If your weekdays are filled with work duties, you can set aside your weekends for enjoying a hobby. Know what you are passionate about and give it all your energy once work is over. This way, you can have a work-life balance that allows you to destress. 

Do Yoga

One activity that you can squeeze into your busy days would be yoga. Not only will it help you relax, but it will also improve your overall health and wellness. It can be an excellent way to destress and let go of negative vibes. Make sure to stick to poses that are most suitable for you, and gradually increase the range of motion to improve your flexibility. 

Learn a New Recipe

If you aren’t happy with the food that you’ve eaten over the past few months, it will be best to learn a new recipe during the weekend. You can try to experiment and create your own version of a dish. If you feel confident in your cooking, you can send some to your friends and family. Who knows, you may even start a food business with it. 

Start a New Movie or TV Series

The movie and TV industry is always providing great value in entertaining people. The internet also became a good source of new platforms to watch movies and TV shows with various genres. You can even reminisce about your yesteryears with some old movies and series you used to watch with your friends and family. Hulu and Netflix are some of the reliable platforms that can satisfy your cravings for entertainment.

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Engaging in relaxing weekend activities can help you refocus on your goals in life. If you feel suffocated by staying at home, you can choose to go out and explore. However, you should always keep safety in mind. Bring essentials like sanitizers and weak your mask whenever possible.

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Your "not that regular" all-around gal, writing about anything, thus everything. "There's always more to discover... thus write about," she says in between - GASP! - puffs. And so that's what she does, exactly. Write, of course; not (just) puff.


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