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Health & Wellness

When having sex, still better to be safe than sorry…

It is worth noting that while some of the STIs are very treatable, some are actually life threatening (e.g. HIV), so real action (particularly – and to start – in terms of education) is needed to stop the worrying upward trend.

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are still on the rise. That is the news that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has continuously delivered. And to prove the point is the stark data – e.g. since 2013, infections of syphilis alone has increased by 15.1%.

Many will wonder at the reasons for the rise, and while no single factor can be pinpointed, there are nonetheless few factors worth considering – e.g.:

  • More people are getting tested (thus test to have been infected). Testing facilities are now more accessible, and even DIY testing is now more accessible (and cheaper).
  • Normalizing of casual sex particularly in today’s app-crazy world. In fact, online dating sites like Tinder and Grindr are ubiquitous and it is almost the case that if you are single and you don’t have a profile on one of these sites, you’re socially weird. As people become more sexually free, they may accumulate more sexual partners. Subsequently, some may forego safer sexual practices, thus the risk for getting infections.

This infographic from Carvaka Adult Toys shows some info about the seriousness of the situation.

What men need to know about STDs

Some questions worth asking oneself: An interest in casual sex is fine and can be healthy for an individual but only when safe sex is practised; but who really wants a nasty infection as a result of a roll on the sheets? Is it really worth the stress of waiting for test results, taking medication and ultimately your health?

It is worth noting that while some of the STIs are very treatable, some are actually life threatening (e.g. HIV), so real action (particularly – and to start – in terms of education) is needed to stop the worrying upward trend.


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