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Sexy tips to spice up Christmas with your partner

Whether you want to offer a sexual gift or a Christmas-themed sexual favor, here are some sexy tips to spice up Christmas with your partner.

With Christmas fast approaching, there is no better time than the present to buckle down and decide what to get all of your friends and family this year. Christmas is a time to love and if you are in a relationship, you may be trying to think of ways to make Christmas extra special this year. Finding something that they love and appreciate will make both of you feel good, especially if it is bedroom related. 

Whether you want to offer a sexual gift or a Christmas-themed sexual favor, here are some sexy tips to spice up Christmas with your partner. 

Introduce Sex Toys 

Christmas is about toys, so going to a sex shop and investing in some adult toys is a great way to spice up your sex life. You can go to an adult store or to various sex shops together. This will allow you to explore everything that they have to offer as a couple and learn more about each other’s likes, dislikes, and bedroom fantasies. If you are more reserved, you can look online at The Boudoir Store. They have the latest innovative sex toys for men and women, which can be delivered straight to your door to save you any embarrassment. 

Sexy Stocking Stuffers 

Getting some sexy stocking stuffers is a cheeky way to spice up Christmas with your partner. Going into an adult shop will allow you to get a proper feel for and understanding of a range of sex toys for you and your partner, so you should search in Google for ‘sex shop near me’ and start exploring. It gives you a chance to test how well you know your partner in the bedroom. During your search for erotic gifts, you may come across something you can dress yourself up in, which leads up to our next sexy tip. 

Wrap Yourself Up 

Wearing something irresistible this Christmas is a great way to get your partner’s heart pumping. You should look into sexy Christmas themed outfits or underwear to surprise your partner with. To finish off this gift, you can wrap yourself up. Covering your naughty areas up in wrapping paper and adding a gift bow, or simply tying a bow around yourself will finish off this sexy act a treat. Wrapping yourself up will really wow your partner and will make them very excited to unwrap their surprise.  

Set the Mood 

Setting the mood is key to making your partner feel sexy this Christmas. You should invest in some Christmas themed candles and throw some logs on the fire. This will create a Christmas themed and romantic atmosphere. Finding a sexy Christmas playlist is a simple yet effective way to get your partner in the mood during the festive season. Getting cosy and spooning by the fire, with delicious food and mulled wine will really create a sensual yet Christmassy atmosphere for you and your lover. 

Try Something New 

One of the best ways to keep your sex life interesting with your partner is to try something new. Finding new things that you both enjoy will keep the fire burning and Christmas is the perfect time of year to do so because it is a time for love and family. There will be plenty of time, food, and toys for you to experiment with in the bedroom. If you are nervous, you can enjoy a festive drink together and set the mood. There is always something new to try, you just need to research and prepare yourselves. 

There are so many areas that can be explored and enhanced in the bedroom. Having a theme to work with can help you be more creative, and the festive period creates the perfect atmosphere for making love and becoming closer with your partner. 

Written By

Your "not that regular" all-around gal, writing about anything, thus everything. "There's always more to discover... thus write about," she says in between - GASP! - puffs. And so that's what she does, exactly. Write, of course; not (just) puff.


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