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Small changes you can make to have a healthy lifestyle

Let’s have a look at some of the small changes you can make to have a healthy lifestyle.

Photo by Ella Olsson from

People often get confused into thinking that living a healthy lifestyle means changing everything about their current habits in one fell swoop and in a dramatic way. This is one of the biggest reasons some people tend to fail with their good changes and revert back to their bad habits, especially when they feel that they have a lot to change. Making small changes instead of one bug change will make your journey easier as well as making you more likely to succeed. 

If you make a few changes such as adding extra veg to your plate or going for a walk on your lunch break rather than jumping into a commitment to the gym and cutting out all carbs from your meal will lead you to success and determination. Plus it’s much easier to get back on track if you slip up than it is if you completely change everything. 

Photo by Ella Olsson from

Let’s have a look at some of the small changes you can make to have a healthy lifestyle.

Be Careful Of Medications

Although quick remedies and supplements might seem like a good idea you need to be wary of the side effects and potential disastrous implication they can later have on your life. Many people take supplements, pain relief and heartburn remedies successfully but it’s about understanding what you are putting into your body and why. Recently there has been Zantac legal cases from something that could cause cancer from just a heart remedy, so, make sure you do your research before taking any medications or remedies. 

Watch Your Food 

There is a lot to think about when it comes to your food intake. You have to think about how much you consume, whether you’re eating the right balanced diet, how much you actually need for your body type, age and height as well as trying to eat ‘clean’. It can be complicated and is one of the main reasons people fail when thinking they need to go on a diet. Have a look at what types of food are good for you and slowly make changes to your diet. You don’t need to completely cut things out to succeed, whether it’s to lose weight or just to eat more nutritious


This is another area that people fall down with. When they think about making a change for a healthier lifestyle they think that they have got to either complete strenuous workouts every day or join a gym. This isn’t the case and you are more likely to fail with your change as your body and mind aren’t use to the work. Making small changes to your exercise such as going for a walk on lunch, walking to shop instead of driving and planning active family days out could be a great place to start. Once you have got used to doing more easy exercise you can then add in a few workouts or strength training to your routine. 

When aiming to live a healthy lifestyle remember that it’s not about making changes that all happen at the same time, start off small and build on it. It will lead you to success. 

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Do you have any other small changes that could help lead to a healthy lifestyle?

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Your "not that regular" all-around gal, writing about anything, thus everything. "There's always more to discover... thus write about," she says in between - GASP! - puffs. And so that's what she does, exactly. Write, of course; not (just) puff.


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