Health & Wellness Regularly attending religious services associated with lower risk of deaths of despair People who attended religious services at least once a week were significantly less likely to die from "deaths of despair," including deaths related to... StaffMay 7, 2020
Editor's Picks Keeping the faith at the time of COVID-19 Many ask where God is at the time of #Covid19, including #LGBTQIA people who - prior to this - already experienced difficulties because of... Michael David dela Cruz Tan, MDCMay 7, 2020
OPINIONS Close encounters with pro- and anti-LGBT Christ believers during Pride Patrick King Pascual: "In the end, it's safe to say that with the Bible, it's a matter of interpretation and... morals. But judgment is... Patrick King PascualJul 6, 2017
Op-Ed What if? As 2012 ends, and the new year starts, Rev. Richard R. Mickley, CDOS, OSAe, Ph.D. considers "what if" things turned out differently. Richard MickleyDec 20, 2012
Op-Ed No More ‘Opo’ Rev. Richard R. Mickley, CDOS, OSAe, Ph.D., the Abbot of The Order of St. Aelred, says it is time to stop saying 'opo', as... Richard MickleyDec 11, 2012