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Simple but effective ways to manage migraine pain

These are some of the most effective ways to manage migraine pain.


People often make the mistake of thinking that a migraine is just a bad headache, but anybody that suffers from migraines knows that it’s much worse than that. The pain makes it impossible to get on with your day and it can have a real impact on your life. If you get regular migraines, it’s important that you find ways to deal with the pain so it doesn’t hold you back.

These are some of the most effective ways to manage migraine pain. The list of pain relieving herbs compress has a numbing effect, which dulls the pain.



CBD treatments are so popular at the minute and people use it to treat all kinds of pain, as well as mental health issues like anxiety and depression. If you don’t like the idea of taking a lot of strong medication on a regular basis when you get a migraine, CBD is the perfect treatment for you. When you use CBD, it reduces inflammation that causes the pain from a migraine and many people find that it offers a lot of relief. 

IV Therapy 

IV therapy is another popular treatment that is used to deal with a wide range of health problems. By injecting vitamins and nutrients directly into the bloodstream, it can help to alleviate problems like fatigue, jetlag, and migraine pain. Some people worry about the IV therapy costs but when you consider the positive impact that it has on your quality of life, it’s definitely worth it. Having a regular IV treatment will make a very significant difference to your pain levels, so you can get on with your life. 

Temperature Therapy 

Using temperature is a simple but effective way to get instant relief from migraine pain. A cold compress has a numbing effect, which dulls the pain. A hot compress, on the other hand, will relax tense muscles and give you relief. Applying a hot or cold compress to the back of the neck when you feel a migraine coming on can make a huge difference, even if it doesn’t provide long term relief. Hot showers and baths are often very effective as well. 

Drink Some Caffeine 

Drinking a lot of caffeine can actually cause headaches, so you might think that it’s best avoided if you have a migraine. However, a small amount of caffeine can actually give you some relief. If you drink a cup of coffee in the early stages of the migraine, it can prevent the pain. It also increases the effectiveness of some pain relief drugs, like aspirin. Just make sure that you only have one caffeinated drink because too many will make the pain worse. 

Avoid Trigger Foods 

Many people that get migraines find that certain foods trigger them and make the pain worse. If you can identify what those trigger foods are and avoid them, it’s a lot easier to manage your migraines. If you start a food diary and note down when you get migraines, you should be able to pick out a pattern and work out what your trigger foods are. 

These are all simple but effective ways to manage your migraine pain so it doesn’t hold you back anymore.

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Your "not that regular" all-around gal, writing about anything, thus everything. "There's always more to discover... thus write about," she says in between - GASP! - puffs. And so that's what she does, exactly. Write, of course; not (just) puff.


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