NEWSMAKERS Are young adults having less casual sex? Study finds alcohol, video games and living with parents affect young men's casual sex behavior. StaffMar 26, 2021
NEWSMAKERS 1 in 6 Gen Zers identify as LGBT An estimated 5.6% of adults (at least in the US) identify as LGBT. This is 4.5% higher from Gallup’s last data-gathering in 2017. StaffFeb 27, 2021
Lifestyle & Culture Encouraging outdoor, active fun in children today Because outdoor activity is still needed. Lily AsisJan 21, 2021
Op-Ed Disregard ‘normal’ Contributing writer Inad Rendon urges the young to utilize their positive traits to "prove that we are a more understanding and open-minded generation". As... Inad Quinones RendonJul 29, 2013