#KaraniwangLGBT The young believer For Ian Jaurigue, it is nice to know that there are already a lot of people who support the LGBTQI community these days. "But... Patrick King PascualJun 29, 2018
Op-Ed The missing link For Patrick King Pascual, Pride is a moment of reckoning. Yes, it's a time to give each other a pat on the back. But... Patrick King PascualJun 24, 2018
OPINIONS Close encounters with pro- and anti-LGBT Christ believers during Pride Patrick King Pascual: "In the end, it's safe to say that with the Bible, it's a matter of interpretation and... morals. But judgment is... Patrick King PascualJul 6, 2017
POZ Confessions of a former ‘gift’ giver… Patrick King Pascual interviews Paolo, a Filipino living with HIV, who used to hang out with others who touted sharing the “gift”. “If I... Patrick King PascualJun 8, 2015
POZ Paolo: Being HIV-positive as a personal struggle Meet HIV-positive Paolo, who believes that being PLHIV is a personal journey. “No one can really gauge what PLHIVs feel except themselves. HIV is... Patrick King PascualMay 25, 2015
Literary Pieces What constitutes a relationship Patrick King Pascual takes a closer look at many gay men's notion of "relationship", and discovers that yes, it's harder to keep a relationship... Patrick King PascualNov 13, 2013
Literary Pieces Time stood still In a literary piece, Patrick King Pascual notes that "it may not be wrong at the time of our pain and suffering, but we... Patrick King PascualJul 24, 2013
Literary Pieces Holding on to love As he looks at loving and being loved, Patrick King Pascual asks: In life, when we meet someone who takes us to uncertain paths... Patrick King PascualApr 11, 2013
Literary Pieces The edge of patience In a literary piece, Patrick King Pascual asked: "But at the end of the day, you need to ask yourself: no matter how hard... Patrick King PascualJan 22, 2013
Literary Pieces The last grand gesture In a literary piece, Patrick King Pascual asks: "How many gestures should one make until he realize that his actions doesn't seem to get... Patrick King PascualJan 8, 2013