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3 Best ways to avoid injuries during your workouts

The good news is you can do your workouts, get strong, and be in the best physical shape of your life, without sustaining unnecessary injuries. Here’s how to do that.

For the average LGBTQ+ individual, getting in shape and staying fit should be a priority. This has become incredibly important because most individuals in our demography have been proven to generally be in a poorer state of health than other adult members of society. 

The easiest way to level the playing field and increase your chances of enjoying better health is to actively work out. If you’re already doing that, great job. If you’re not, it’s not too late to begin. However, you need to make sure that you’re not prone to injuries during your workout sessions. 


Many newbie fitness enthusiasts tend to make some serious mistakes that eventually lead to serious injuries. The good news is you can do your workouts, get strong, and be in the best physical shape of your life, without sustaining unnecessary injuries. Here’s how to do that.

Start Small

One of the biggest problems that many newbies have is that they have an unrealistic expectation of what it takes to get the body they want. So they try to start lifting heavy from the get-go or attempt extreme workout regimens. 

The problem with this approach is that not only will the person not get the result they want, they will also end up getting injured. You see, the body you dream of having, took years and years of daily and consistent working out, and healthy nutrition. 

If you want results like that, you’ll need to pace yourself. So start with smaller weights and less heavy equipment. Get used to them and perfect your range of reps and sets, then move on to bigger and heavier weights, or more intense workouts. 

Master the Right Form

Your priority should be on your form instead of how many sets you can knock out. This is because the right form helps you become more efficient in your workouts. 

It’s better to do 5 reps of a particular exercise in excellent form than to do 15 reps in poor form. The guy who does 5 reps will get more out of that exercise because he’ll be targeting the right muscle groups. 

Apart from a weird body shape or muscle formation, poor form can lead to serious lifelong injuries. So, before you start any type of workout, look up videos of professional bodybuilders or experienced fitness enthusiasts and see how they do it. 

Always Wear the Appropriate Outfit

Your outfit can hurt you in the gym. For example, if you wear free-flowing clothing to the gym, the tip can get caught in one of the machines and pull it down while you’re in the middle of a set. 

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Imagine having your clothing caught on the next person’s weights while you’re bench-pressing. Appropriate gym wear like a body-fitting t-shirt, comfortable shorts, a sexy jockstrap –to secure your privates and keep the area comfortable, and good athletic shoes are always the best. If you don’t know what to get, just look at the outfit that other fitness enthusiasts are wearing. This will give you a solid idea of what to wear for your workouts. 

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Your "not that regular" all-around gal, writing about anything, thus everything. "There's always more to discover... thus write about," she says in between - GASP! - puffs. And so that's what she does, exactly. Write, of course; not (just) puff.


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