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Shooting down 8 common arguments against LGBTs

After noting the existence of repetitive “anti-LGBT claims and statements that are coming from a broken record” that seemingly gained grounds because of pro-LGBT developments, Tamsin Wu tackles some of the “common misguided arguments put forth by the uneducated and zealous dogmatists alike”.

After noting the existence of repetitive “anti-LGBT claims and statements that are coming from a broken record” that seemingly gained grounds because of pro-LGBT developments, Tamsin Wu tackles some of the “common misguided arguments put forth by the uneducated and zealous dogmatists alike”.


Talks, articles and debates regarding the LGBTQI community have been gaining so much ground lately. Undoubtedly, such spur of discussions have been due to the recent legalization of civil marriage in the US. In all of these, there are resounding anti-LGBT claims and statements that are coming from a broken record. They keep weaving the same tales of fear rooted in irrational explanations and predictions.

The following are some of the common misguided arguments put forth by the uneducated and zealous dogmatists alike.

  1. Homosexuality is unnatural, therefore, it is bad.
Tamsin Wu: "Personally, I do not have anything against anyone who is a Christian or Catholic. But I am totally against fear mongering, spreading of misinformation and faulty interpretations, as well as disrespect to people of other faiths or of no religion."

Tamsin Wu: “Personally, I do not have anything against anyone who is a Christian or Catholic. But I am totally against fear mongering, spreading of misinformation and faulty interpretations, as well as disrespect to people of other faiths or of no religion.”

The animal kingdom has a lot of examples that homosexuality exists in nature. Can you argue that animals are less natural in their way of living than human beings are? We are materialistic consumers and chemical-laden food eaters for crying out loud!

Anyway, not necessarily related to homosexuality, but what is the logic behind equating unnatural to bad? Are all natural things – such as tornado, typhoons, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, illnesses, death – good? Are unnatural things like all man-made stuff bad for us?

  1. Some animals eat their young too. Can people also eat their young since animals do it anyway?

We can all agree that eating someone is wrong because that act causes pain and death to that person. In short, murder. On the other hand, how does a gay couple harm or kill anyone in the process of them loving each other? Number of casualties: Zero

  1. Gay people are spreading HIV (!).

HIV is contracted due to one’s promiscuity, not exercising enough caution (e.g. not getting tested before doing the deed), contact with HIV-infected blood or wound, and other circumstances that have nothing to do with one’s sexual orientation.

  1. LGBT people will result to a massive population control.

So men and women will stop having sex with each other because gay relationships exist? I have one word for that: LOL.

  1. Accepting gay relationships or marriage will lead to the legalization of polygamy, pedophilia, bestiality, (insert any kind of relationship here that does not have anything to do with same-sex relationships).

Yes, because minors and animals are capable of comprehending and signing a contract. Yes, because ever since women have been granted the right to vote, such right has also been passed on to minors and animals. Yes, because such relationships involve love and commitment between two consenting adults.

Read the meaning of slippery slope, which fails to formulate valid arguments.

  1. Gay people will raise more gay citizens in society.

Oh, right, I’ve never known that my dad is gay and my mom is a lesbian until now. That’s why I turned out gay too! (sarcasm and illogical train of thought here…)

  1. God created man and woman, therefore, homosexuality is a sin.

First of all, not everyone believes in your idea of a god. Stop shoving your beliefs down everybody’s throats because that is utterly rude. The Bible (as well as other religious doctrines) isn’t the only source of truth for everyone living in this planet. Separation of state and religion, please.

Second, where in that creation statement does your god say anything about homosexuality? Or being transgender? Or being an intersex? Did Jesus even say anything about it?

Take Note: Assumption is one of the cornerstones of ignorance, which causes varying degrees of negative outcomes.

  1. The Bible’s verses of Romans 1:26-28; 1 Cor 6:9-11; Lev 18:22; Lev 20:13; Deut 22:5, as well as the story of Sodom or Gomorrah, all say that homosexuality is an abomination.

Again, the Bible isn’t the only source of truth for everyone.

Tamsin Wu: "Hopefully, in due time, people who cling to these would re-think their unintelligible thoughts against LGBT. Or, at the very least, have something rational to say about how the LGBTQI community endangers the world, instead of merely spewing out word vomit."

Tamsin Wu: “Hopefully, in due time, people who cling to these would re-think their unintelligible thoughts against LGBT. Or, at the very least, have something rational to say about how the LGBTQI community endangers the world, instead of merely spewing out word vomit.”

Personally, I do not have anything against anyone who is a Christian or Catholic. But I am totally against fear mongering, spreading of misinformation and faulty interpretations, as well as disrespect to people of other faiths or of no religion.

It’s an error to take the Bible too seriously and as a guide map to direct everybody’s lives. Pardon the semi-lengthy discussion that follows.

Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed because a mob of men wanted to gang-rape the angel visitors, which might have been the final straw for god in the Bible that made him destroy the city and kill its sinful inhabitants. It wasn’t because there were gay couples in the city, or because they legalized gay marriage.

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If we’re going to talk about that story, why not also mention Genesis 19:8 – wherein a “righteous” man named Lot decided that it would be better to let his daughters be gang raped to appease the men in Sodom and Gomorrah. Why would someone who has such severe lapse of judgment be described as “righteous” in the Bible?

Enough about verses against LGBT, consider other horrendous verses like Exodus 21 about slavery – selling people as slaves including the daughters.

How about this: Women are neither permitted to speak in church according to 1 Cor. 14:34, nor allowed to put on accessories or fix their hair 1 Peter 3:3.

Or, as Jesus said, marrying a divorced person is adultery (Luke 16:18), which is also Biblically considered as sexual immorality. Would you condemn anyone who falls in love with a divorcee?

Let’s talk about another serious issue: War (Number 31:17 18), wherein Moses commanded his troops to kill every Midianite man and woman, but to seize children and virgin women for themselves.

Sure, there are sound values written in the Bible. However, why discount the fact that it also has a lot of bloody, violent, sexist and immoral acts told in its stories – acts that would be immensely frowned upon today? Some of these acts have been done or promulgated by “godly” Biblical characters.

There are a lot of inconsistencies and irrelevance to the current times found in that religious book. A lot of the teachings are only applicable during the time and culture in which they have been conceived. Many of the teachings go against the prevailing moral sentiment and culture of today. Because of that, people are only cherry-picking the verses they would like to apply in their lives. There are even varying interpretations among the followers of the Bible. Could you hold something as eternally true if the laws and teachings can change from time to time? It is rather unstable.

Plus, the texts in the Bible have been painstakingly chosen and compiled by men (certainly unknown to many of us), translated from ancient language, edited and re-edited from time to time. How can one be 100% sure that every word, phrase, sentence and story in it has been translated and edited with absolute accuracy and objectivity?

Consider this:

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The Bible has been used for centuries by Christians as a weapon of control. To read it literally is to believe in a three-tiered universe, to condone slavery, to treat women as inferior creatures, to believe that sickness is caused by God’s punishment and that mental disease and epilepsy are caused by demonic possession. When someone tells me that they believe the Bible is the ‘literal and inerrant word of God,’ I always ask, ‘Have you ever read it’?

Bishop John Shelby Spong

Have you? More importantly, have you understood everything in the Bible – its history, its implications, its relevance?

Hopefully, in due time, people who cling to these would re-think their unintelligible thoughts against LGBT. Or, at the very least, have something rational to say about how the LGBTQI community endangers the world, instead of merely spewing out word vomit.

Written By

A sure-footed wanderer. A shy, but strong personality. Hot-headed but cool. A critic of this propaganda-filled, often brainwashed society. A lover of nature, creativity and intellectual pursuits. Femme in all the right places. Breaking down stereotypical perspectives and narrow-mindedness. A writer with a pen name and no face. I'm a private person, but not closeted. Stay true!


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