Non-heterosexual students were significantly more likely than heterosexual students to have seriously thought about attempting suicide (24.4% versus 6.9%) and to have attempted suicide...
Enactment of hate crime laws specifically protecting sexual minorities is associated with a small but reliable 1.2 percentage point reduction in past-year suicide attempts...
Being a target of cyberbullying was associated with suicidality, whereas being a perpetrator of cyberbullying was not. That finding was distinct from traditional offline...
Those younger than 18 years, lesbian (compared with gay) identifying, those living in rural or remote locations (compared with inner city), those reporting any...
Data indicates that racist and anti-LGBTQ policies, like those that discriminate against Black and LGBTQ communities in housing, incarceration and economic opportunity, are linked...
Females were more likely to experience suicidal thoughts and behavior (17.7%) than males (10.8%), and that those adolescents without a father in the home...