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The best mobile games of 2017

Whether you’re a seasoned gamer who’s traditionally stuck to consoles, or someone who’s never been interested much in gaming before, now might just be the perfect time to plunge into the world of mobile gaming and a good way to start is with these – the best mobile games of 2017…

Mobile gaming has never been more popular. It’s estimated that mobile gaming will have been worth approximately $40 billion to the economy this year, and this is a figure that is only set to rise as mobile devices become more sophisticated and more capable of offering a fulfilling gaming experience. It’s also likely to soar as mobile games become ever more sophisticated, too.

Whether you’re a seasoned gamer who’s traditionally stuck to consoles, or someone who’s never been interested much in gaming before, now might just be the perfect time to plunge into the world of mobile gaming and a good way to start is with these – the best mobile games of 2017…

Planescape: Torment

Juste recently released, Planescape: Torment is a fantastic RPG game, which is set in the Dungeons and Dragons universe, which would pretty much guarantee it a market even if it was poor, but it isn’t! It’s actually a really great game with a complex story, compelling and often odd characters and lots of fun. It’s undoubtedly one of the most stunning games made for mobile to date.

Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire

Basically, Final Fantasy meets real time strategy, fans of the long-lived Nintendo franchise will love this recent offering from the much beloved Japanese company, especially if they’re also fans of real-time strategy games because the title melds the two seamlessly. When you play this title, you get lost in the world it conjures – a world on the brink of chaos where magic and monsters are very real, and you must do battle to survive. The real-time aspects of the game work well and enable you to make like-minded friends all over the world.


Definitely, one for the science nerds and puzzle fans, this very minimalistic, physics-based puzzle game is a whole lot of fun. It has lots of small levels, which means you can dip in and out and think on each and every puzzle for as long as you need, which prolongs the fun. What is the game about? Basically, you must manipulate various objects, so that they stay on the screen and you do this by solving puzzles and manipulating your device correctly. It can be infuriatingly difficult at times, but that just makes it all the sweeter when you get it right.

Arkanoid vs Space Invaders

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If you’re a fan of retro games like Asteroids, Arkanoids and yes, Space Invaders, you’ll love this simple game that combines the alien killing shoot ‘em up that is Space Invades with the simply joy of bouncing a ball to break bricks that is Arkanoids into one very enjoyable experience.

Layton’s Mystery Journey

This latest foray into the world of Professor Layton focuses on his daughter Katrielle, who follows in her father’s footsteps by starting her very own detective agency, aided by a very cute talking dog and a helpful assistant. If you love games that keep your mind active, force you to see out clues and complete puzzles with a view to solving a bigger mystery, then you should seriously enjoy this one.

Monument Valley 2

If you like puzzles, then you’ll love Monument Valley 2, which like its predecessor, the original Monument Valley is one of the most beautiful and unique mobile games out there. Some would argue it isn’t quite as magical as the first foray, but if you want to solve puzzles and be enchanted at the same time, this is the one for you.

Pigeon Wings

Pigeon Wings really surprised us by being a fantastic little scroller game. Basically, this game if full of pigeons who also happen to be great pilots and they, aka you, are tasked with saving the city in which they reside. You need to work very hard to maintain your altitude and move through the cityscape at speed, which means a lot of moving your device around frantically. If you liked flappy bird, it’s kind of like that, but way more complex.

Age of Rivals

Age of Rivals is a good little title for those of you who like your games to be quick-fire. Designed to be done and dusted within around 10 minutes, this game, which is based on real-world card games like magic, is all about fighting your opponent to conquer cities and build up a stronger civilization. Although it’s quick, it is still pretty complex, and it does have some good characterization, which makes it stand out from some of the lesser offerings.

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If you download any of these games, you will not be disappointed.

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Your "not that regular" all-around gal, writing about anything, thus everything. "There's always more to discover... thus write about," she says in between - GASP! - puffs. And so that's what she does, exactly. Write, of course; not (just) puff.


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